
David LaMotte


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"Metastasis" by David Baker

"The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry

"Ripening" by Wendell Berry

“Work Song” by Wendell Berry

“Of Earth” by John Daniel

"Acceptance" by Robert Frost

“Deepening the Wonder” by Hafiz

"The Promise" by Jane Hirshfield

“Let Evening Come” by Jane Kenyon

“Next, Please” by Philip Larkin

"Starlight" by Philip Levine

"The Pleading" by John O'Donohue

"Daisies" by Mary Oliver

"The Messenger" by Mary Oliver

"Roses, Late Summer" by Mary Oliver

"Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver

"The Waking" by Theodore Roethke

“On the Day I Die” by Rumi

“One  Song” by Rumi

“Roses Underfoot” by Rumi

"The Doe" by C.K. Williams

"After the Diagnosis" by Christian Wiman

"Love's Last" by Christian Wiman

“Abide” by Jake Adam York

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